Bar Menu

Ed.: Emma Waltraud Howes, Justin F. Kennedy
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Vorglühen, or `to glow before’, emulates a cyclical club experience: pre-game getting ready, the darkness unfolding from light fragmentation, and the drop-down into offshore ‘mumblecore’. Diving into a 55-minute score on loop, black iridescent–holographic–moon spiders bump the car thug, deep sea-outer space, same below as above. Justin Kennedy, Emma Waltraud Howes and Marcel Darienzo perform a durational dance, live scored by Dylan Spencer-Davidson in the Waschbar of Uferhallen. The synchronised and not so synchronized swimmers invite the public on a transformative journey, through the Basement Ciaga (Basement Balenciaga Base Saga) flood.

This ‘auto-mythologizing’ methodology reclaims the value of a-live experience that disrupts notions of individual authorship, in favour of collaboration that expand towards, with, and for others. The lucid comes from dropping. We exhaust constraints and habits to welcome guests into this generous and generative practice.


Layout and design: Franziska Morlok at Rimini Berlin