An Archive of Accident Gestures

four-channel video installation
run time: 00:35:55

An open invitation to tell an accident anecdote – people were asked to tell their story twice. The first time they told the tale without any former preparation. The second time they were asked to concentrate on telling the account with their hands. These two narrations are entitled, Archive I, and Archive II. The variations are played back simultaneously, one beside the other, to highlight the differences in duration and hand motions. The film focuses solely on their hands and although the stories are recorded the voice of the teller is not heard. Their words have been transcribed to separate the text from the physical telling.


  • Storytellers: Anonymous
  • Camera : Kai Wido Meyer

Exhibition History

  • Fast and Furious
    Halle am Wasser
    Berlin, DE
  • New Remembering
    c3 contemporary art space
    Abbotsford, AU

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