Object T
by Antonia Hirsch

HD video, stereo audio, headphones, granite, steel, heating hardware 12’6” looped flatscreen
W92cm x H54cm, granite monolith W92cm x D54cm x H35cm

Object T features two women simultaneously interacting with a black cube. To extend to the viewer the performers’ ambiguous haptic relationship, the granite bench opposite the identically dimensioned flat screen monitor is heated to body temperature and powered from the same electrical outlet as the screen.

Object T formally takes its cue from contemporary YouTube phenomena and communication software, as well as from Dutch Golden Age still lifes, the latter evoking another age in which the object performed prominently within a social agenda.


  • Concept & Realization: Antonia Hirsch
  • Performers: Anita Brokmeier, Mia Sellmann
  • Voice: Hadley Howes
  • Casting & Choreographer: Emma Waltraud Howes

Exhibition History

  • Object T
    MIT List Visual Arts Center
    Cambridge, USA


All rights and contents of Object T by Antonia Hirsch, belong solely to the artist.

Emma Waltraud Howes contributed to the process by recruiting/casting, and offering choreographic advice for the performative elements of said project in preparation for filming, and acted as an on set mediator between the artist and the performers themselves.